Resources: Reports + Materials

Report – The Road to Rio+20

Summary: The UN is working to produce another landmark Rio event in June 2012. This report is organized in sections to provide: 1) Rio background and purposes; 2) Rio+20's consultative process; and 3) Analysis, conclusions and recommendations for Rio+20 organizers and UN stakeholders.

It argues how the UN and its stakeholders must better coordinate their efforts to avoid making confusion and fragmentation worse than they already are; it also suggest a path to cohesion that draws on proven models from the private sector.

Then it argues that the Brundtland Definition positioned things correctly for traction on the SD agenda, but it was unintentionally compromised by businesses and NGOs— hobbling public policy discussions ever since. It argues that some parts of Rio+20 could (also unintentionally) further erode Brundtland's positioning, and that this risks setting back progress for public and business interests for years to come.

For the UN, it ends by discussing the path to greater cohesion. For UN stakeholders, it ends with suggestions for how and why to get involved.

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First Edition: Feb 2011

Intended audiences:
SD practitioners, NGOs, UNCSD organizers and
UN Stakeholders

Further Rio+20 recommendations:

Members of the second Rio+20 Preparatory Committee asked the Major Groups to submit ideas for concrete ways to help close the implementation gap.

Vermillion felt that other groups would do an excellent job of offering solutions to Three Pillar concerns, so instead, we offered two pages of specific actions to remedy some of the underlying 'system design' barriers.

Check out the submission